Angkor Wat the hidden temple in jungle

Feeling eager to experience a spectacular sunrise, a
massive complex of stone temple. The world most astonishing and enduring
architectural feats. The 900 years old remain of Angkor Wat. it towers shaped like lotus flowers were raised a hundred of years.

The ancient temple of Angkor Wat

This great temple was the mausoleum of one of Angkor’s
greatest kings “King Surya Varman” the second. Angkor Wat was hidden in the
middle of thick jungle before it was found by the visiting of a French naturalist
Henri Muohot in 1860

Today, Angkor Wat is one of over thousand temples
that make up the ancient city of Siem Reap that lies in the northwest
floodplains of Cambodia become the best attractive spot for tourism.

A spectacular sunrise in the early morning is the best sight for morning person to release the stressness. One in the year the sun will rises on the middle of the lotus tower and shine broad its goldeness entire of the temple


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